Hello, my name is Dan Clinic with Siskin company. Today, our safety meeting is going to be on minimizing hazards from changes in the workplace. Basically, we're going to talk about something called JSA's. This is something that I'm sure most of you guys are doing because it's a pretty common activity in the oil patch. The question is, when you do a JSA, are you taking it really seriously to maximize the benefit from it or do you just do it because you're trying to quickly complete it? I want to point out that a JSA can be a very important part of working safely. It's a means of systematically looking at workplace hazards and making decisions about how to control those hazards. By controlling the hazards, you're likely to help prevent injuries and keep yourself safe. It's important that all people on the job are aware of what everybody else is doing. So, you want to review the steps, review the job, and discuss the hazards that everybody has. Allow people to have input into making the job safer. These are the key things we want to consider for a JSA. When we talk about a JSA, you'll hear JSA which stands for job safety analysis. However, in the oil patch, we also consider the environmental aspect, so it's really a job safety and environmental analysis. We need to look at the safety features or safety concerns, the health concerns we might be exposed to, and the environmental impacts of our work. Being good citizens and considering the global issue of maintaining safety, we need to address safety, health, and environmental concerns. The first step of a JSA is to take a close look at the job and break it down into its key steps. Then, we assess the hazards that...
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Jsa training video Form: What You Should Know
Job Safety Analysis — A basic overview and why to have a video about “JSA” — YouTube Your browser can't play this video. Learn more. Switch camera. YouTube · Safety Center · Sep 17, 2018 Job Safety Analysis — A primer on Job safety and safety analysis | Job Safety Analysis and Training — YouTube Your browser can't play this video. Learn more. YouTube · Safety Video Training | Nov 3, 2017 JSA is the process of analyzing and identifying threats in your workforce. Video includes an overview of the process, training materials, and guidelines. YouTube · JSA Training Video (English | Spanish) — YouTube · Sept 6, 2015 Job Safety Analysis — Safety Assessment Training Videos and guides on Job Safety Analysis for a variety of industries: oil & gas, mining, power generation, construction and more. YouTube · Safe Industries | Safety Center · Mar 5, 2018 Job Safety Analysis — Safety Assessment Training — YouTube Your browser can't play this video. Learn more. YouTube · PAR Safety Center (English) · Jun 5, 2018 Job Safety Analysis (JSA) — Safety Assessment Training—YouTube Your browser can't play this video. Learn more. YouTube · Job Safety Center · Jul 8, 2016 Tasks and Job Safety Analysis Tasks are described in the Job Safety Analysis training video for safe and effective workers' safety. YouTube · Job Safety Analysis Training V. 1 | Job Safety Analysis — Video 1 — YouTube · Aug 6, 2018 Workplace Hazardous Materials (WHS) Assessment Help us to evaluate the situation and determine which WHS needs to be handled and evaluated. YouTube · Job Safety Analysis Training V.
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