Hello, welcome to another demonstration video for SMS Pros risk management solution. This solution delivers the most robust risk management tools in the aviation industry. In this video, I will be demonstrating the hazard risk register and proactive hazard analysis modules. Both tools give you the kind of documentation that is instrumental in helping you in audits. SMS Pros risk register is not simply a hazard register or a list of your organization's hazards, such as many organizations have in Excel documents. SMS Pros hazard risk register is integrated with the proactive hazard analysis module and is a robust multifunctional tool that outlines risk, shows your top risks, your control measures for each risk, initial and residual risk assessment for each risk. It gives you the ability to export, sort, and filter data, and configure your hazards based on their importance. When we enter the hazard risk register module, we see the hazards tab which lists all of your hazards and hazard data. We are able to see data for each of our divisions. The first thing we see displayed here are two pie charts that show the top hazards in the past three months and six months based on how many reported issues were associated with each hazard. You may also view charts for your top hazards in the past year and three years. At the bottom of the page, below is a list of all the hazards that you have created in the proactive hazard analysis module, including the category and subcategory that the hazard belongs to, a location associated with the hazard, the next review date of each hazard, and how many reported safety issues were associated with each hazard within multiple time frames. You can easily order your risks from greatest to least concern with the arrows to...
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Activity hazard analysis template excel Form: What You Should Know
Compact Hazard Analysis Form 8: PPE Required compact job hazard analysis form with hazard information and hazard ratings, safety eyewear, face shield and welders mask. Safety Glasses, Face shield, Welders Mask with 0.05 risk score. Download Job Hazard Analysis Form and Data Sheet for your work site online. Compact Hazard Analysis Form: PPE Required. 4. Safety Glasses, Face Shield, Welders Mask. 4 Safety Glasses, Face Shield, Welders Mask Download Safety Glasses, Face Shield, Welders Mask and Data Sheet to save to your system. Safety eyewear, face shield, welding mask and risk score. 3. Risk Score. 3 Risk Score 2. Hazard Risk Score Analysis Template. AVAILABLE ONLY from Chub Website 2. Risk Scores (RISKS). This template for Risk Scores for Construction jobs requires safety glasses, face shield and welding mask. 2.1 Hazard Risk-Suitability Analysis (RSA): A review with Risk Profiles & Hazard Information to define the Risk Score (A), Assessment (B) and Proposal (C) for the job. This risk score has been developed with the job specific information from the construction management company for each job. The risk score is an indication of risk level that the construction management company deems acceptable for the task. The risk scores are divided into 5 categories: Physical, Health & Safety, Electrical / Electronics, Chemical, and Safety. Download Job Hazard Safety Score Template (.xlsx) with hazard information and hazard ratings to save to your system. Download Hazard Sensitivity Analysis (HERA) Download Hazard Sensitivity Analysis (HERA) Download Data Sheet for Job Hazard Analysis Templates (.pdf) 2.2.1 RSA: Hazard Sensitivity Analysis Download Job Hazard Analysis Templates (.xlsx) 2.3.1 RSA Download Job Hazard Analysis Templates (.xlsx) RSA template with hazard ratings, hazard sensitivity, hazard suitability and hazard awareness. 2.3.2 Risk Profile — Occupant Risk-Suitability Analysis Download Job Hazard Analysis Templates (.xlsx) Risk Profile — Occupant Suitability Analysis — Download to save for your file system 2.3.3 Hazard Sensitivity — Occupant Risk-Suitability Analysis — Download Data Sheet Download Job Hazard Analysis Templates (.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Activity hazard analysis template excel