In this video, let's look at writing an effective safe job procedure. We'll start with a few pointers and walk through an example. First, one should write in a step-by-step format. Usually, this means dividing your procedures into a series of paragraphs. If there is no hazard or unsafe behavior in a step, simply state the action. In the case where a hazard exists, state the action and identify three things: the hazard, the possible injury, and the safety measures to prevent exposure. Try to paint a word picture using concrete wording to describe the task. Write in the active voice. For example, say "Take the hammer" instead of "The hammer should be taken". Be as clear as possible, using simple words. Keep the sentences short, using no more than 7 to 15 words. Finally, try to write in a less technical, more conversational style. Now, let's take a look at a sample job procedure.
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Job safety analysis library Form: What You Should Know
And much more. The EHOS Resources and Guides Library also includes the original EHOS Manual: EHOS-The Basics, which serves as a Workplace Safety and Health Guide for faculty, staff, and students at all levels (beginning and advanced) within the Department of Environmental Health and Safety. EHOS has been a... Read More Job Safety Analysis— The Basics Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Library — Environment, Health and Job Safety Analysis is a safety tool which can be used by UNC-Chapel Hill supervisors and employees to increase the knowledge of hazards in the workplace at Job Safety Analysis — JSA Templates — SafetyCulture Sep 5, 2025 — A JSA template or Job Hazard Analysis (JMA) form is a useful tool for observing and breaking down high-risk tasks into individual steps and Job Safety Analysis — UC Berkeley, EHS The EHOS Resources and Guides Library includes Fact Sheets, Job Safety Analysis (JSA), Forms, Program Documents, Manuals, Checklists, Reports, Lessons Learned, And much more. The EHOS Resources and Guides Library also includes the original EHOS Manual: EHOS-The Basics, which serves as a Workplace Safety and Health Guide for faculty, staff, and students at all levels (beginning and advanced) within the Department of Environmental Health and Safety. EHOS has been a... Read More Job Safety Analysis— The Basics job safety Analysis in general, and JSA Analysis in particular Job safety Analysis or JSA is a term used in the safety culture for describing the formal and informal measures and activities that are used to identify and evaluate risks faced by employers and the safety conditions in their workplaces. JSA Analysis: read more Job Safety Analysis in general, and JSA Analysis in particular— this page Job Safety Analysis in Context — a web portal designed to provide information about Job Safety Analysis environmental and health practices including job safety Analysis & Evaluation, job safety and health program analysis and evaluation strategies, evaluation of hazardous workplace situations, and workplace health and safety strategies. Job Safety Analysis in context is... Read More If you have any question regarding this job safety analysis at EHS, you can ask us by using the feedback button below. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to email us at support.Hui UNC.
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