Divide this text into sentences and correct mistakes: 1. All right, I want to welcome everyone to today's webinar on job hazard analysis or job safety analysis, as it may be called. 2. We're gonna go over all the fun topics under this main topic, and this is kind of a next-level type of safety topic that has been proven to reduce injuries, accidents, facility training, and all that kind of stuff. So, we'll go through all that today. 3. My name is John Ziemann with the Timber Products Manufacturing Association, and let's get started. Ok, some of you may be familiar with this topic, some may not, but what is a job hazard analysis? 4. It's a systematic way to evaluate hazards and then also find controls for them. Another name for it is a job safety analysis, you know the H and S are but pretty synonymous, to go back and forth with. 5. So, why do we care? Why do we want to conduct a job hazard analysis? Well, a job hazard analysis can prevent work-related deaths, injuries, or illnesses by eliminating, or controlling, identified hazards. And this means to ensure that workers have the training, equipment, and supplies to do their job safely. It will also help you in developing your accident prevention program. You need to know what the hazards are in your workplace so that you can protect your workers from them. So, that's where this all starts, is the whole hazard analysis, but the hazard identification is always step one. 6. So, in the end of that, you need to have hazard awareness. You need to know what hazards are in your facility so that you can control them. Accepting a risk or hazard is not the same as eliminating or controlling it. 7. Now, when conducting a hazard analysis,...
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Job safety analysis examples Form: What You Should Know
Analysis. What about a job safety analysis? Job Hazard Analysis Examples The following job safety analysis examples have been identified from OSHA and are available for free on the Internet. As you review these examples, you may find the use of certain steps and control actions could improve or modify each example in a way that might help address the hazards identified. Job Safety Analysis — An Example for Construction Contractors Job Safety Analysis Examples — Construction Services Examples of step-by-step job safety analysis templates provided by the Construction Industry Technical Committee show how a company can conduct a Job Safety Analysis Examples— Air Supply Job Safety Analysis Examples — Air Distribution and Supply The following job safety analysis examples show you exactly what an air supply job safety analysis looks like — and all of these JSA examples can be used for free. Job Hazard Analysis — ASHRAE What jobs are appropriate for an ASHRAE job hazard analysis? Sample ASHRAE Job Hazard Analysis Form. The examples shown here have been derived from ASHRAE standard 829.11-1991. The sample JSA form can be used for free. What is a Job Hazard Analysis? An OSHA job safety analysis is a summary assessment of a construction job where there is a high risk of personal harm or damage to property. These job safety analyses usually include the information specified in: OSHA 829.3(e): Specific Hazards of Construction and Related Activities: Examples; and OSHA 829.28: Emergency Procedures and Construction Safety. As always, job safety analysis examples are meant to be a guide to assist in your decision-making process and to assist you in developing effective OSHA program responses. They are not a substitute for the evaluation of hazardous work conditions and actions that are based on actual events or practices. Job hazard analysis are best suited to the evaluation of the activities carried out on the job level. If you are not a contractor, you may want to read the Job Hazard Analysis Topic Guide for more information. If you are planning to enter a construction project, you might be interested in reading Job Hazard Analysis — General Industry. The following job safety analysis examples have been identified from OSHA and are available for free on the Internet. As you review these examples, you may find the use of certain steps and control actions could improve or modify each example in a way that might help address the hazards identified.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Job safety analysis examples